Sorry if you thought I had moved away and not left a forwarding address. Last week was a little hectic to say the least. Maddie woke up Monday night with a belly ache. Moaning, groaning. This is usually her first symptoms of strep throat. So we took her to the doctor. Doesn't look like strep to him but he agreed to do the over-night test just to be sure.
Meanwhile, I have already scheduled an emergency girl scout cookie sale to try and get rid of the rest of the cookies we have sitting in my trunk. So we get to Kroger, set up the table, put out the cookies. The other mom and daughter team arrive. I tell Maddie to stay away from Alli, just in case it is strep. So Maddie goes strolling down the side walk, away from the front entrance to Kroger. And then proceeds to throw up, on the side walk. Lovely..... So luckily DH is available to come get her and take her home while me and DS stay to help sell cookies.
By Wednesday Maddie is feeling much better but can't go to school because we don't know if it is strep. So she stays home from school again...And spends the day aggravating her brother! I also had to make dinner for a family from church who just had a baby. Made extra for us. DH and I both had to rush home from bible class Wednesday with intestinal distress! Oh no - did I poison the other family too? So I spent all day Thursday worried I had given them food poisoning!
Did I mention Thursday is DD 7th birthday? We did not make homemade cupcakes as previously planned but Kroger makes good cupcakes, right? That night we made homemade pizza for dinner, had brownies instead of birthday cake, and watched mythbusters!
Saturday brought yet another cookie sale. Everyone was so crabby by the end of it, we had to take a nap that afternoon.
Sunday involved church (teaching the 4 to 7 year olds!), then a quick lunch and off to the DD's birthday party. It was fun because it was held at the local junior high gym (read that as no house cleaning for me!). The kids got to run off all the sugar induced energy.
Today should be a day for me to recover but in my insanity I volunteered to host an Usborne book party at my house tonight. A good friend is trying to get her business started and I told her I would host a party to introduce her to people outside our usual group of friends from church. So this means I have to clean the public portions of my house today. And make some desserts. I have already given up hope of getting DS's room clean - but should there really be anyone going in there? I think not!
So here I go - getting my tush in motion!
P.S. - Ian asked me to come change the TV channel for him this morning. This is the position he was in when I got there! Does that look uncomfortable to anyone else?